
The Company is committed to complying with the laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates. These laws include the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Australia) and any other anti-corruption law of a country or a state, territory or province of a country in which the Company operates, or which otherwise applies to the Company by virtue of its partners or third parties operating on the Company’s behalf.

The Company is committed to:

  • not engage in corrupt business practices;
  • implement measures to prevent bribery and corruption by all Personnel;
  • at a minimum, endeavour to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards, including Anti-Bribery and Corruption Laws;
  • when dealing with third parties, undertake reasonable due diligence to ensure that such parties are suitable for the Company to associate with and will not make bribes or perform corrupt acts on the Company’s behalf or for which the Company may be or become response for, or otherwise liable .

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Community Development

The Company believes it is essential to improve the livelihoods and well-being of communities around our projects in the most appropriate and meaningful ways.

We seek to develop programs related to the communities’ needs, with the long-term economic development vision, and avoid reactive social investments to create mutual value throughout and beyond the life of our operations.

Our team is currently preparing integrated community development programs such as coral conservation, community reading centres, and waste management support.

Donations & Sponsorship

The Company supports charitable causes from time to time, including by making charitable grants or donations or giving financial or other assistance, or sponsoring a person or activity on a charitable basis, without expectation or acceptance of favourable action or the exercise of influence.

We are promoting active genuine care inside and outside the company to develop mutually beneficial agreements with the communities around our operational areas.


Education is one of the priority areas for our social empowerment.

We implement various initiatives to enhance educational level in our areas of operation. We also believe long-term activities will help improve the quality of human resources in our local communities.

Gender & Diversity

The Company has a strong commitment to diversity and recognises the value of attracting and retaining Personnel with different backgrounds, knowledge, experiences and abilities.

The Company acknowledges that diversity not only encompasses gender but extends to age, ethnicity, cultural background, language, marital or family status, and disability.

Diversity contributes to the Company’s business success and benefits individuals, clients, teams, shareholders and stakeholders.

Health & Safety

Nickel Industries is committed to upholding high health and safety standards at its operations.

We always want to ensure that our workplaces are free of occupational injury and illness and promote a low-risk work culture in all things we do;

Our goals are to achieve zero harm towards our employees, contractors and local communities wherever we operate.

Human Rights

Nickel Industries commits to respect human rights and the interests of cultures, customs and values of employees and communities affected by our activities.

We respect workers’ by not employing child or forced labour, avoiding human trafficking, eliminating harassment and discrimination; respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining, and providing a mechanism to address workers’ grievances.


Infrastructure is a fundamental need of the communities in which we operate. The Company recognises the critical role we play in addressing these issues and we will continue to support these needs as appropriate to our scope of our operations.

In 2021, our infrastructure developments included school renovations and improved water infrastructure quality for Bete-Bete Village.

Economic Development
Creating sustainable, positive legacies for future generations
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Environmental Stewardship
Our commitment to protecting and improving the environment
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How we are leading the way in sustainable mining
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